Make Today Count!

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Great day to you all!

Let us never forget all mighty oaks once lived inside tiny acorns!.So make today count.

Never despise periods or effort in starting small, that is the seed times.

It's an abnormal lifestyle to be a seed consumer; your seed is simply your investable lots. Stop eating your seeds. Instead plant it now.

It is deceptive to see your salary as an harvest. It is your seed! The firm you work with keep the harvest and share the seeds to those who care to plant and own their own ''Finance House''

Image result for acorn to oak tree

Don't be a paycheck slave by spending all.

The only reason justifiable to earn Big is to invest Big.

If your spending reflects your earning, you have just got it wrong.

Expenditure will always rise up to catch up with earnings. If you must ride big cars to show your status, carry heavy designer bags to show you are a big woman, i will say you have comfortably enrolled for a ''rat race marathon'' Instead of being a slave of time, buy slaves with your sizable earning and let your investments (slaves) do all the hard financial works that makes many live with "HIGH DEBT PRESSURE''.

Show me your investments and i will tell you who you are.

It is deception to think your earning is too small to start something.At least you can fund your learning.

See the seed only and appreciate it. A seed will

forever be the father of a bread. A skyscraper bread isn't mate of the tiniest seed.

The year is still in its mid, it is not too late to get it right. Make it count even if half spent.

Choose a compulsory savings plan.

Get a good mentor, learn from them and replicate their success.

Measure yourself only with your goals and those

walking that path(mentors).

Keep living in sufficiency. Start as an acorn today, with consistency you will turn a Financial OAK. I celebrate you as you start on the path that makes all count in your favor.
